The Year in Review
We at The Daily Toast wish you a Happy New Year, and thank you for being part of our 2012!
What a year it has been. It began as a simple longing for a daily excuse to drink and became a very cool undertaking: an app for Android and iPhone, a weekly blog (you're reading it), a Facebook fan page, a Twitter account, and a year of Daily Toasts!
Lessons learned
Hours of research and laughter have gone into The Daily Toast. We've learned a lot in the making of this app. We learned a lot of useless historical trivia (who ever heard of the Egg Nog Riots?), and a lot of useful drinking info (see any of our "Bar Nuts and Bolts" posts). Jim learned that creating an app, from the technical side, can be a pain. Heather, who wrote 95% of Drunk Talk, learned that writing a weekly blog can also be one.
And we've learned a lot from your feedback. As a result, you'll be seeing some major improvements coming very soon. Stay tuned. In the meantime, we still want your feedback, as the process never ends. Email us at We want to know. After all, if you're not drinking, we're not happy.
Help us spread the word
If you've enjoyed this app, we have a tiny request... Tell your friends about us! Like our Facebook page. Or leave a review at the App Store or at Google Play
Cheers, and see you next year!
Heather and Jim