Daily Toast is an irreverent, drink-of-the-day app for the iPhone and Android™. It provides a different special occasion every day and a cocktail to match.

The Year in Review

December 30, 2012

We at The Daily Toast wish you a Happy New Year, and thank you for being part of our 2012!

What a year it has been. It began as a simple longing for a daily excuse to drink and became a very cool undertaking: an app for Android and iPhone, a weekly blog (you're reading it), a Facebook fan page, a Twitter account, and a year of Daily Toasts!

Lessons learned

Hours of research and laughter have gone into The Daily Toast. We've learned a lot in the making of this app. We learned a lot of useless historical trivia (who ever heard of the Egg Nog Riots?), and a lot of useful drinking info (see any of our "Bar Nuts and Bolts" posts). Jim learned that creating an app, from the technical side, can be a pain. Heather, who wrote 95% of Drunk Talk, learned that writing a weekly blog can also be one.

And we've learned a lot from your feedback. As a result, you'll be seeing some major improvements coming very soon. Stay tuned. In the meantime, we still want your feedback, as the process never ends. Email us at info@dailytoast.net. We want to know. After all, if you're not drinking, we're not happy.

Help us spread the word

If you've enjoyed this app, we have a tiny request... Tell your friends about us! Like our Facebook page. Or leave a review at the App Store or at Google Play

Cheers, and see you next year!

Heather and Jim