Tipsy's Tips: Garnishes, An Overview
Garnishes, like the right glass, can make all the difference in the world. Not only can the right garnish make a delicious drink look better, but it can make the drink taste better too. But how do you know which garnish to use? How do you prepare it? And where on the glass do you place it?
FIRST...Know what garnishes will go with which types of drinks, in the event a recipe doesn't specify.
SECOND...Start with fresh ingredients. Old fruit and vegetables will taste like old fruit and vegetables.
THIRD...Think about the presentation. A recipe will often tell you exactly what the garnish should look like (Twist! Slice! Wedge!). Take the time to make it pretty.
FOURTH...A recipe will tell you where to put your garnish. Take the time to do it, and consider the whole package.
And so begins a new series on All Things Garnish. Next week... "How to Choose the Right One."