Daily Toast is an irreverent, drink-of-the-day app for the iPhone and Android™. It provides a different special occasion every day and a cocktail to match.


June 2, 2013

Ever wonder how much a "dash of bitters" really is? Yeah, I didn't know either. I thought that meant tipping the bottle and giving it a shake and... it CAN be that. Assuming you are not a complete jackass and shake it as you would a ketchup bottle... not that I ever did that. Ahem. Some basics of bar measurements that you'll come across as you mix cocktails:

  • 1 shot/jigger is 1.5 ounces.
  • 1 part is just equal parts of whatever
  • 1 dash/splash is 1/32 ounce, about 1/5 teaspoon, or 1 milliliter... or just wing it.

You will also see t. or tsp, both of which mean teaspoon. Tbls, tbsp, or T. mean tablespoon. On the other hand, you could just wing them all a little. Pour, pour, shake, splash! Just be prepared for the results. Cheers!

(originally posted March 25, 2012)