Emergency Preparedness: Hurricane Party
So, I was going to give you some more spooky type drinks for the approaching holiday...but now we are preparing for Frankenstorm! How do you prepare for a hurricane? After you've stocked up on your toilet paper, milk, bread, and bottled water, you HAVE to make sure you have an emergency stash for hurricane preparedness.
Rule 1: Get Serious. Don't waste time on beer or wine coolers. Really. Nothing with 5% alcohol is going to last. Stick with your basic liquor: rum, whiskey, vodka, etc. If you are a wine drinker, consider trying one of the better varieties of boxed wine--it doesn't go bad, and there'll be no glass to worry about after.
Rule 2: Mix In Moderation. If you use juice or soda, stock small bottles. When you lose power, you don't want to keep opening and closing a refrigerator. Drink it room temperature, or keep the small containers in a cooler with a frozen jug of water. Bonus: fill the empty bottles with water, and you'll have more water set aside for emergencies!
Rule 3: Drink In Moderation. Don't get drunk. Seriously. Do you want to try to deal with an emergency while the room is spinning? Pace yourself. Just take the edge off.
Rule 4: KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. No one is going to be impressed with exotic cocktails (well, except maybe an ironic hurricane). Pick a classic and stick with it. Jack and Coke. Juice and vodka.
Well, be safe. Enjoy your hurricane, and if you are not here on the East Coast, then track it on the interwebs. Cheers!