Daily Toast is an irreverent, drink-of-the-day app for the iPhone and Android™. It provides a different special occasion every day and a cocktail to match.

Drinking Through History...While Worshipping

June 24, 2012

Sure. We all know that in the Christian communion, wine is consumed because it symbolically represents or has been transmuted into the actual blood of Christ. (Although some use grape juice instead, since alcohol is EVIL. I mean, Jesus's first miracle was changing water into wine, and after everyone was already drunk! I digress...) But did you know:

  • In Paleolithic times, shaman used "mind-altering beverages" to have visions.
  • Ancient Egyptians believed that alcohol was created by the god Osiris. They had 17 varieties, and even more wines. Alcohol was used in rites and in funerals, as well as every day purposes.
  • Ancient Greece used mead in religious ceremonies.
  • Babylonians worshipped wine gods!
  • Jewish (and later Christian) rituals included the consumption of wine.

On the other hand, many religions frown upon alcohol:

  • Islam forbids the consumption of fermented drinks.
  • Buddhists avoid alcohol as it violates the fifth of the Five Precepts.
  • Hinduism treats alcohol as medicinal, rather than spiritual, although not for everyone.

To summarize, you can drink in church, but only when you are supposed to, unless you aren't supposed to, and remember that no religions approve of over-indulging. So drink up, because your god commands you.