Daily Toast is an irreverent, drink-of-the-day app for the iPhone and Android™. It provides a different special occasion every day and a cocktail to match.

Holiday Drinking: Halloween, Part 1

October 14, 2012

[And now we begin the holiday season... Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. This series will hopefully provide some entertaining ways to incorporate a little holiday cheer into your celebrations.]

Halloween. Yeah, yeah, it's for kids... or is it? Believe it or not, Halloween is what gave birth to the Daily Toast. Here's how it all started...

We noted that kids have all the fun on Halloween, but the parents do all the work:

  • Parents either build insanely amazing costumes for the kids, or have to brave the stores to buy the stupid costume du jour.
  • Parents have to tramp around with the kids on Halloween night, controlling a bunch of over-sugared kids in costumes, dodging cars and bored teenagers attempting the scare the little kids.
  • If the parent isn't on trick-or-treat patrol, they get to stay home and man the candy bowl, feigning delight at the 14th princess that wanders by.
  • Finally, parents have to sort through the candy, weed out the partially wrapped candy, the potential allergens, and anything they just don't want their kids to eat, and then control access to the candy.

We thought that was terribly unfair. We wanted to have fun too! We didn't know what to do, until someone suggested the concept of "Liquor Treat." Here's how it works:

  1. A group of neighbors agree beforehand to participate.
  2. Each participant is responsible for preparing an easily served "treat" for grown ups.
  3. The parents on kid patrol get to say "Liquor Treat!" after the kids get their treat.
  4. Each parent is responsible for transporting the best treats to their spouse, or trading off midway.

Trust us, this is a really fun time. Some participants will do fun or spooky drinks (Brain Tumor, anyone?), and others will have weather appropriate drinks (nothing like a warm drink on a cold night!). One way or the other, everyone has a nice time. Next week, look for a few Halloween themed drinks! Cheers!