Daily Toast is an irreverent, drink-of-the-day app for the iPhone and Android™. It provides a different special occasion every day and a cocktail to match.

Drinking Games: Political Debates

September 30, 2012

Now, Jim and I are on opposite sides of the political spectrum... but we love funny. We had two weeks of making fun of the major political parties. (We discussed mocking the third parties, but it just didn't seem fair...) With the debates coming up, we'd already planned to watch the debates and bridge the political chasm with mojitos... and then it hit us!

Everyone has a favorite drinking game, right? (Mine was a Star Wars Drinking Game: drink everytime the Force is mentioned... kinda lame but guaranteed to get you drunk.) Well, we decided, as a public service, to create a tailored drinking game for the first debate, which will be held Oct 3, 9PM Eastern.

Daily Toast 2012 Debate Drinking Game

Drink once when:

  • A candidate mentions Bain Capital
  • A candidate makes a joke (2 drinks if it's Romney and the audience laughs with him.)
  • Romney uses any of the figures "23 million", "8%", "$716 billion", or "12 million"
  • Obama says "Let me be clear" or "make no mistake"
  • Obama blames Bush or Republicans for his record

Drink twice when:

  • A candidate speaks on behalf of the American people ("The American people want...")
  • A candidate compares himself to another President (3 drinks for a President from the opposite party)
  • Anyone mentions Romney's tax returns, wealth, or religion (3 drinks if someone mentions any of Obama's)
  • Both candidates agree on something

Drink thrice when:

  • A candidate argues with the moderator about the time he has to answer a question or respond to the other candidate
  • Moderator asks a question irrelevant to being president ("boxers or briefs?")
  • Obama mentions killing Bin Laden
  • Romney mentions RomneyCare

Finish the bottle if after the debate, a candidate/campaign says the other candidate won the debate.

Happy drinking, and enjoy the debate! Tune in next week for the highlights from our test run of our drinking game!